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Hacktoids (or, The Limn Index)

Limn tapped its extensive network of underground operatives to bring you this extraordinary list of facts about hacks, leaks, and breaches.

Number of U.S. Presidents who were also painters: 4
Number of U.S. Presidential paintings released by hackers? 23 1
Number of U.S. Presidential nude self-portrait paintings released by hackers: 2 2

Number of times Sony was pwned in 2011: 213
Cost to Sony of 2011 PlayStation Hack: $171M4
Number of people arrested for the 2011 Playstation hack: 0

Number of phone phreakers threatened with arrest in 1962: a handful.5
Number of phone phreakers threatened with arrest in 1962 who went on to become any Ivy League professor and famous information designer: 16

Number of FBI moles urging LulzSec to hack the Icelandic parliament to provide the FBI with the perfect excuse to visit Iceland so that they could investigate WikiLeaks? 17
Number of FBI Agents kicked out of Iceland by the prime minister: “8 or 9”.8

Number of poems about hacking in Phrack 36 (1991): 109
Number of poems about Hacking in The New Yorker in 1991: 0
Number of times the word “hacker” was used in The New Yorker before 2008: fewer than 10
Number of times the word “hacker” was used in The New Yorker after 2008: more than a thousand.10

Number of pages in Pentagon Papers leak: 700011
Number of documents in Manning/WikiLeaks leak: “more than 700,000”12
Number of times “spirit cooking” and “pizza” were referenced in DNC/Podesta hacks: Not enough to warrant shooting up Comet Ping Pong.

Number of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act cases filed against individuals between 2011-2016: 77413
Number of Computer Fraud and Abuse Act cases filed against corporations since the CFAA’s inception in 1984: 0

Launch of Ikea Website: 1998
Launch of the unofficial platform 2006 14
Year the first officially Ikea-approved hackable sofa bed will hit the market: 2018 15

Number of phone calls AT&T monitored to search for phreaks & fraud between 1964 and 1970: 33 million
Number of calls recorded for the same purpose over the same time period: 1.5 million16

Number of times an electrical grid has been paralyzed by hackers since 1902: 3.
Number of times an electrical grid has been paralyzed by squirrels since 1902: 952.17